رحاب الملائكي

We never cease to learn for as long as we exist in this life. These are my thoughts and contemplations in diaspora هذه بعض من خواطري في أرض المهجر, أُعبّر بها عن بعض ما نعيشه و نعانيه من بُعد و حنين و شوق للاوطان. خواطري أنا رحاب الملائكي

Friday, 23 December 2011

Have you lost your job this year?

We all know what caused the credit crunch that struck the Western World in 2008, or do we?

Of course we do. The bankers were recklessly lending money to masses of people who they knew could not afford to repay their debts, which ultimately sparked the problem in the United States by the fall of Lehman brothers, which was followed swiftly by the fall of Northern Rock in UK. This then created a snow ball effect with the subsequent failing of many other banks and businesses. The governments of affected countries, including ours in the UK, have reacted by bailing out the banks and pouring billions of pounds of taxpayers money into them. The reasoning they came up with to justify their action was that the banks can't be allowed to fail as that would be extremely destabilising for the economy. Failed executive bankers therefore, such as Fred Goodwin of HBOS, walked away unpunished with huge pensions.

Who will pay for this bailout that saved the banks, and repay the taxpayers money back? Surely the bankers themselves since they were the root cause of the problem!! WRONG, it is you and me who will be made to pay, not the bankers!!!!

Yes, we are being made to pay for the mess the bankers have got us in through their sheer greed and utter incompetence. What is worse, they are still pocketing huge bonuses just as they have been doing before the crisis. Have you heard of a banker that has lost his or her job due to redundancy or branch closure? Of course not, and even if this happens, they tend to generally walk away with eye-watering retirement packages.

Hundreds of thousands of ordinary men and women, who had not at all contributed in any way or form to the causation of the credit crunch, have been sacked from their jobs due to closure of businesses and staff reduction. Three years on, the economy remains as fragile as ever, ordinary people continue to suffer on a daily basis from a problem that was created by the wealthiest elite who are still enjoying their life and remain detached unaffected to the slightest. WHO THINKS THIS IS FAIR?

Please comment YES if you agree with the way the government has handled the issue


If you think that the bankers should have been made to suffer instead of the hard working innocent majority, then comment NO

Together, let us  try to restore some common sense back in our society..

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