رحاب الملائكي

We never cease to learn for as long as we exist in this life. These are my thoughts and contemplations in diaspora هذه بعض من خواطري في أرض المهجر, أُعبّر بها عن بعض ما نعيشه و نعانيه من بُعد و حنين و شوق للاوطان. خواطري أنا رحاب الملائكي

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Are you a kind person????

Let us each ask ourselves this very simple question...

Am I a kind person???

Am I????

"Of course I am"... is the very tempting answer, that each of us would like to belive...
We are all very, very kind people indeed... without any shred of doubt.

Are we really???

At least this is what we would like to think of ourselves...

To check whether you are really kind or otherwise, ask yourself the following 5 questions, and be very honest with yourself when answering them:
  1. Do your family members feel comfortable and at ease with you? Do they share their thoughts, feelings and ideas freely with you? Do they like you to be around whenever possible?
  2. Do you like your work atmposphere? Are you admired by your superiors? Do your inferiors find it easy to discuss things with you? Are you flexible and keen to help at times of work pressure, or do you consider that as none of your business?
  3. Do you talk to your neighbours? Have you ever helped them with anything? Do you know if some of them are infirm and in need of help? Do your neighbours find it easy to ask you for help?
  4. When someone unintentionally does something wrong to you, do you force an apology from them? or would you prefer to ignore the issue
  5. When you unintentionally make a mistake or hurt someone, are you prepared to admit your fault and unrerservedly apologise, or is it more typical of you to argue your case to the very end?
Now, how kind are you really are????

My guess is, not many of us are as kind as they would like to think!!!

Being kind is hard work. It requires a lot of patience and perseverence in addition to an enormous amount of self insight.

Let us all try our hardest to be kind at all times. The reward that we will feel as a result will be incalculable, and extremely invaluable to say the very least.

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