رحاب الملائكي

We never cease to learn for as long as we exist in this life. These are my thoughts and contemplations in diaspora هذه بعض من خواطري في أرض المهجر, أُعبّر بها عن بعض ما نعيشه و نعانيه من بُعد و حنين و شوق للاوطان. خواطري أنا رحاب الملائكي

Monday, 2 January 2012

Is your boss a lion?

What the hell is a lion boss???

Is it that boss whose priority job and main purpose in life is to make the lives of his/her employees as difficult as possible, preferably closer to Hell than ever!!

Or is it that boss who doesn't care how much effort and time you exert in doing your job, and wouldn't utter a single word of praise when you deliver much more than is expected of you??

Surely, it must be that boss who would enjoy torturing you to death if you dare to blink at the wrong time, or if you once  in a lifetime career arrived two minutes later than you should!!

If you work for a loin boss, your whole life becomes a complete misery. You learn to live in constant fear and you lose any aspirations or motivations. Your work becomes just a painful means of acquiring a wage that enables you to pay your bills at the end of the month, rather than a career that you love and is passionate about.

Working for a lion boss also extends your misery to your home life, for you tend to take your work frustration and despair to your poor family at home. You end up not enjoying your family life, but rather transferring your misery to your innocent family members instead, fueling stress and tensions and leading to split-ups, separations and divorce. All because of your lion boss!!!

Why do many of us put up with such enormous torture for so long??

Is it because of fear of losing their job, of being demoted or disciplined??

Is it really worth staying a prisoner of a lion boss?? Should we put up with such merciless, heartless and cruel lion bosses who are responsible for the misery of many families in this world??

OR should we do something about it??

We do not go to work to be abused by our bosses!! This is not part of anyone's job description.

Let us say a loud and clear NO to the abusive lion bosses that are out there...

We won't succumb to their unjustified abuse...

We shall stand up to them and report them to their boss (who hopefully won't be another lion)

We can even report them to the police if there is no higher boss.

We go to work to enjoy a good and healthy working relationship with our work colleagues. Productivity prospers in such an atmosphere where respect and helpfulness is the main driver, rather than fear and threat!!!



You will get people to perform at their best through appreciative and considerate leadership, not through suppressive and demeaning behaviour.... Better be loved and respected than be hated and feared.


  1. there is no Arabic translations ??

  2. سوف أعمل على ترجمتها قريباَ إن شاء الله
